


Nostalgia, Nostalgic purchase, Social influence, Purchase intention, Experimental design


This study analyzed the relationship between nostalgia and memorable experiences on con­sumer purchase intention. While nostalgia was well-researched for Generation X and Y, there was a lack of understanding of how nostalgia influenced Generation Z brands and consumption pre­ferences. Nostalgia marketing has been popular for several years, and there was literature on pro­duct and service categories, such as movie remakes, band reunions, candy, and brands that have completed their life cycle and could be re-released to the market by appealing to consumers nos­tal­gia. It used a sample of 135 observations and sneakers stimuli advertising with nostalgic com­ponents. Results showed that nostalgia affected purchase intention directly and the retrieval of memorable experiences of using the apparel product. However, it did not translate to purchase intention. The results helped marketers identify courses of action to create effective commu­ni­ca­tion that triggers consumers' purchase intention who did not require product development.


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How to Cite

Albores, A. B., la Cruz, S. D., & Reyes-Mercado, P. (2024). THE INTERPLAY OF NOSTALGIA AND MEMORABLE EXPERIENCES: A STUDY ON APPAREL. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Kewirausahaan, 26(2), 79-87.