
  • Joseph Emil Ampuan David Northwest Samar State University
  • Herbert Manang Fabillar Northwest Samar State University




Customer satisfaction, purchasing behavior, fast-food restaurants, customers, Calbayog City


This paper examined the relationship between satisfaction and purchasing behavior of fast-food res­taurant customers in Calbayog City. In addition, this study also aimed to identify the respondents' profiles and the different factors influencing their satisfaction and purchasing behavior. The researchers used a descriptive-correlational research design to conduct this study. The researchers used a structured questionnaire adopted from a previous study. The questionnaires were provided to 384 participants in Calbayog City. The gathered data were analyzed using SPSS 29. The analyzed data by the researchers showed that family members, dine-in or online order options, and restaurant menus influence the purchasing behavior of fast-food restaurant cus­tomers. On the other hand, the satisfaction of fast-food restaurant customers in Calbayog City was influenced by menu options, payment methods, online application or website navigation, food placement technology, customers’ testimonials, friends and family recommendations, and services. The study revealed no significant relationship between satisfaction and purchasing behavior of restaurant customers in Calbayog City.


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How to Cite

David, J. E. A., & Fabillar, H. M. (2024). PURCHASING BEHAVIOR AND SATISFACTION OF FAST-FOOD RESTAURANT CUSTOMERS IN CALBAYOG CITY. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Kewirausahaan, 26(2), 99-106. https://doi.org/10.9744/jmk.26.2.99-106