
  • Sabrina Wissen Maranatha Christian University
  • Lina Anatan Maranatha Christian University



Customer inspiration, purchase intention, utilitarian content, hedonic content, openness


Social media has been used as a marketing tool by architecture firms to generate purchase in­ten­tion. However, inspiration as a motivating internal response is needed to achieve the marketing ob­jec­tive. This study aims to examine the effect of utilitarian content, hedonic content, and openness as ante­cedents of customer inspiration, the effect of customer inspiration on purchase intention, and the me­diating role of customer inspiration between antecedents and purchase intention. A total of 395 res­pondents were taken as samples using simple random sampling, and the data was then analyzed with SmartPLS. Results show that utilitarian content, hedonic content, and openness positively affect cus­tomer inspiration, and customer inspiration positively affects purchase intentions. Additionally, cus­tomer inspiration also mediates the effect of utilitarian content, hedonic content, and openness on pur­chase intentions. This study contributes to the literature on customer inspiration from a customer-firm relationship perspective. Moreover, this study can give insight for architectural firms to effectively prac­tice social media marketing by focusing on creating customer inspiration through the content provided and targeting the right potential customers in order to generate architectural design service purchase intention.


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