
  • Alberto Borbolla-Albores Universidad Anáhuac México
  • Pavel Reyes-Mercado Universidad Anáhuac México




Social capital, social networks, entrepreneurship, resilience


Resilience studies are increasingly relevant to understand business processes. This study aimed to explore how entrepreneurs in Mexico recovered from situations of business failure. Which key factors did move en­trepreneurs to move forward with their ventures rather than desisting after a failure event? Through a qua­litative study that utilized focus groups with entrepreneurs that had faced entrepreneurial failure, discourses, and repre­sen­tations around the failure experience were analyzed. Findings suggested that entrepreneurs lied in a con­tinuum between resilience and resistance, depending on their access assets such as entrepreneurial networks, ecosystems, and pool of knowledge as antecedents of resistance and resilience. The study shed light in the understanding of the role communities surrounding entrepreneurs played in their trajectory, failure, and even­tual recovery.

Author Biographies

Alberto Borbolla-Albores, Universidad Anáhuac México

Alberto Borbolla-Albores, Anáhuac University Mexico

  • Alberto Borbolla received his Ph.D. degree from Universidad Iberoamericana in the field of sociology of innovation. He currently teaches courses on entrepreneurship and identification of business opportunities under turbulent environments at the MBA program in the Universidad Anahuac México. His research interest comprises institutional entrepreneurship.
  • Av. Universidad Anáhuac 46, Lomas Anáhuac, 52786 Naucalpan de Juárez, Mex.
  • Sociology graduate. National Autonomous University of Mexico. Year, 2006. Mexico City.
  • Master’s in social studies. Metropolitan Autonomous University. Year. 2011. Mexico City.
  • Doctor in Social and Political Sciences. Iberoamericana University. Year. 2017. Mexico City.

Pavel Reyes-Mercado , Universidad Anáhuac México

Pavel Reyes-Mercado, Anáhuac University Mexico

  • Profile: Marketing professor and researcher 
  • Academic data. https://scholar.google.com.mx/citations?user=ObLnKkwAAAAJ&hl=es 
  • Electronic Engineer, 2000, Technological Institute of Toluca
  • MBA, 2002, Tec de Monterrey

Doctorate in Administrative Sciences, 2015, EGADE Business School


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How to Cite

Borbolla-Albores, A., & Reyes-Mercado , P. . (2022). ENTREPRENEURIAL FAILURE AND RESILIENCE: A CONTINUOUS INTERPLAY BETWEEN RIGIDITY AND FLEXIBILITY. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Kewirausahaan, 24(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.9744/jmk.24.1.1-14


