
  • Misna Ariani Universitas Balikpapan
  • Raden Roro Hesti Mugiastuti Universitas Balikpapan



Organizational culture, work environment communication relationship, organizational commitment, job satisfaction


Determining the employees’ career contentment is crucial at this time. Companies should pay more attention to employee career contentment. This research focused to the determinant of employee career contentment through organizational culture, work environment, organizational commitment to­ward 98 office and workshop employees at PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Balik­papan Branch. It used classical assumption to test research hypothesis by ana­lyzing feasibility with multiple linear regression model. The result revealed that organizational culture, work environment, and organizational commit­ment had a significative effects on em­ployee job satisfaction. The work envi­ronment was influential but not so important. Furthermore, or­ga­ni­zational culture had dominant effect to the employees’ job satisfaction. The work en­vi­ronment communication connection (communication between fellow em­plo­y­ees), especially played role in the application of work and conformance with standard operating procedures, making it easy for employees to under­stand. The author realized attention of an acceptable work environment to increase the level of career contentment. The practical implications of this research results can be consideration for similar industrial companies in providing maximum satisfaction related to organizational culture, work envi­ronment, and organizational commitment. Employees satisfied at work and afforded occasions to advance themselves, if companies concerned to the availability of work facilities and convenience.


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How to Cite

Ariani, M., & Mugiastuti, R. R. H. . (2022). DETERMINANTS OF JOB SATISFACTION. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Kewirausahaan, 24(1), 52-63.


