Pengaruh Budaya Etnis dan Perilaku Kewirausahaan Terhadap Kinerja Usaha Mikro Kecil Agribisnis di Provinsi Papua


  • Yohanes Rante Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Cenderawasih, Papua



Ethnic culture, entrepreneurial behavior, performance of agribusiness.


The results of this study is also expected to examine the differences of ethnic and cultural influences entrepreneurial behavior on the performance of micro small agro-businesses and non-Papuans of Papua, which operates in various sectors of agribusiness, especially on increasing sales volume. The sample used in this study of 250 respondents, with the unit of analysis both business people and non-Papuan ethnic Papuans in the agribusiness sector. While the method is a method of analysis used Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), where this method see the relationship between variables, the indicators that make up the model. The results of this study can be concluded that: first, that ethnic culture has positive and significant impact on the performance of MSEs; second, ebtrepreneurial behavior has a positive abd significant influence on the performance of MSEs agribusiness; third, in general, all the variables and indicators have an influence on the performance of agribusiness SMEs showed significant and valid results, the performance of MSEs agribusiness Y (increased sales volume of business).




How to Cite

Rante, Y. (2011). Pengaruh Budaya Etnis dan Perilaku Kewirausahaan Terhadap Kinerja Usaha Mikro Kecil Agribisnis di Provinsi Papua. Jurnal Manajemen Dan Kewirausahaan, 12(2), pp. 133-141. 133-141