
  • Sefnedi Sefnedi



Market orientation, private university, performance.


This study examines the empirical link between three dimensions of market orientation, namely, stu­dent orientation, competitor orientation and inter-functional coordination, and overall private uni­ver­sity per­formance in Kopertis X. It was based on an empirical investigation of private universities located in In­do­nesia’s provinces of West Sumatera, Riau, Jambi, and Kepulauan Riau. The primary data for the study were collected from a self-administered mail survey of 237 questionnaires from the private university re­sul­­ting in a sample of 114 usable responses being returned. From the application of the multiple re­gres­sion ana­lysis it was concluded that all three dimensions of market orientation had a significant impact on private un­iversity performance. Student orientation as a predictor variable is the strongest predictor of pri­vate uni­ver­­sity performance and followed by competitor orientation, and inter-functional coordination.



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